Course curriculum

Here's a breakdown of what you can expect.

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from your instructor

    • How to use this course

    • BONUS - Join Our Community

    • Download Your Journal In Color

    • Download Your Journal in Black and White- printable

  • 2

    Let's get started!

    • Challenge 1- Ground and Recall

    • Challenge 2- Sense It

    • Challenge 3 - Name It

    • Challenge 4- Resilience

    • Challenge 5- Your Life

    • Challenge 6- Release

    • Challenge 7- Accountability

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • BONUS- Healing The Child Within

    • A Special Note For You


  • 1) What if I can't stay focused during the exercises?

    In the first video, I’m going to talk about how to keep yourself focused and grounded and how to practice it so that you ‘re ready for the rest of the exercises.

  • What if I don’t have the time to spend on this right now?

    I can tell you right now that you’re here because you’ve tried a myriad of ways to heal yourself and they just aren’t working. You’re more than likely feeling beaten down and exhausted. I don’t want you to give up on yourself. I’ve made it so simple that you don’t have to spend much time on this. The videos are bite-sized pieces and are designed to give you quick actionable steps. If you watched the video on one day and started the activity on the next day for just half an hour, you should be good to keep on going. You don’t even have to watch the videos, you can just listen to them as you exercise or do the dishes if time is on your side. There are ways to make this work for you.

  • 3) You might be thinking, but Charlotte, what if this work is too heavy for me? Who can I turn to?

    Remember, you have the community and me to turn to. I’ll be there to answer questions and help care for your and cheer you on.

  • What if I don’t have the money to invest in this right now?

    Don't invest in this right now if you truly don't have the money for it right now. Wait until you're ready. If you are ready, know that this is only $47 dollars. ? Think about it as $47 for four weeks or a month with lifetime access to it. That’s $11.75 a week or $1.68 dollars a day. I’m not sure what you can buy with that. Perhaps something from the dollar store because you can’t even buy get a cop of inexpensive coffee for that much unless you go to McDonalds. Does just over a dollar a day seem doable?

What People Are Saying!

  • "Keep reaching out to people. Love what you are doing."

  • "I’m glad I found you."

  • "Charlotte, thank you for your advice. It is truly helpful to me."

  • "Amazing as always!"